How do I know which protocol is right for me?
For beginners, we always recommend to start low & go slow. Other personal factors such as lifestyle & intentions will determine which protocol is best suited to your needs.
How much is a microdose?
A traditional microdose is considered to be 0.05-0.3g of psilocybin mushrooms.
Will microdosing interfere with my daily life? Driving, going to work, parenting, etc.
Microdosing is sub-psychedelic, meaning you will not feel any of the hallucinatory effects. You will however, experience more peace, presence, empathy, & an increase in cognitive function.
What if my microdose feels different day to day?
Because psilocybin is considered an adaptogen, your microdose will affect you by drawing attention to where you need it. If you are experiencing increased emotion or negative feelings, we recommend leaning in, and trying some of the journal prompts or meditations in our course.
Will other substances, such as alcohol, cannabis, etc. affect my microdose?
We recommend not pairing your microdose with other substances. Not only does this reduce any potential harm, but it also allows for you to experience the clarity of the effects & benefits of your protocol.
Why can't I microdose every day?
Days off are essential in order to maintain a baseline tolerance, to notice how our bodies & minds respond, as well as to experience a sweet afterglow while we integrate the work.
Where can I get microdoses?
While research is underway, psilocybin and other psychedelic substances remain illegal in the U.S. & other parts of the world. Do your own research around your local legislation, & get involved in advocating for safe psychedelic use.
Can I microdose if I'm on antidepressants or SSRI's?
It is generally safe to microdose psilocybin while taking SSRI’s.
SNRI’s may lessen the effect of psilocybin, but don’t pose any further concerns.
TCA’s cannot be paired with psilocybin, for risk of cardiac complications. Lithium should never be paired with psilocybin, as it can lead to fatal seizures or cardiac arrest.
While psilocybin is a wonderful alternative for depression & anxiety, it should not be an immediate replacement for prescription medications. Please consult a doctor before coming off of your current medication.
What is integration?
Integration refers to embodying the changes you experience & applying them to your life. Integration practices we love are:
-Being in nature
-Movement & exercise
-Making art
-Talking — with a professional or loved onesFor more in-depth and personalized integration practices, sign up for our online course.